The Love, the hate, the chase, the rewards. What do you need to know about relationships and romance on Starfleet Vessels? Well, you’re about to find out! The most likely place to meet, the best first date ever, what Holodeck program NOT to turn on. You get the drift, you’ll be getting educated by the best Casanova in the fleet, I’m talking about myself of course.
Tag: writing
Sometimes the hardest part of writing a new character is to come up with the name that suits them perfectly. This will help you in your quest to find the perfect name!
There’s writing prompts that are meant to simply spur you on and get some words on paper. An important skill to develop as a writer, for sure, but there’s so much more to writing. These 5 writing exercises will help you hone your writing skills in specific areas. Do them all, or pick the ones that you’re looking to develop!
Super Hero Syndrome, or SHS for short, will strike when you least expect it from people you even less expect it from. What is the SHS? How and why does it start? How can we stop it?
5 short little writing prompts to help you spur that little bit of inspiration and get your character out of their quarters!
In here you will find the basic info you need to write a readable post in MOST play by text roleplaying games.
For people that write a lot, nothing is more terrifying than writer’s block. To help you beat that beast we’re here to provide you with a couple of tips and tricks to set off for a course to Inspiration Station. Read on to find out what we do to keep the inspirational juices flowing.